At rework we believe that applying precise nutritional methods based on your unique biology can lead to massive results in the short and long-term.

We take the time to develop a close relationship and understand each client’s unique physiological and emotional needs. We pride ourselves on prompt, clear, and efficient communication. We’re always striving to deliver creative, practical solutions to our client’s health issues and goals.

As well as working to improve performance, Rework has extensive and working knowledge of medical conditions and ailments. This is crucial for all clients, as often the underlying biology of an individual is a determining factor on all areas of health including mental health and the ability to manage weight.



Once you sign up you’ll receive an online health questionnaire to fill out that will give us some preliminary information to ensure we target the right areas during the consultation. You will then need to take a food photo diary so we can conduct a thorough dietary analysis. That will be 5 days of every meal, snack and drink. On the day of the consultation, you will receive a zoom link via email.

We see a sustained behavioural change in our clients because they have a deeper understanding of how their bodies work. They feel compelled to nourish it in the right way. Our goal at Rework is to make lasting dietary changes that will benefit your lifetime health.



We do not create generic nutrition plans. We create bespoke evidence-based plans based on your biology, routines, and preferences. This is the most efficient way of achieving your goals in a healthful manner.

There is plenty of misinformation clouding your judgement of how to be healthily reach your goals. Rework completely removes any guess work and gives you confidence for the rest of your life on what to eat and when. Life is to be enjoyed! Food and drink is a big part of that joy! We take this into account and promote what we like to call “body bounce-back-ability”. If you have a setback, we’ve got you. We ensure you know what to do to get your body working as you’d like it to. The Rework process sets you up for life.

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We do not create generic nutrition plans. We create bespoke evidence-based plans based on your biology, routines, and preferences. This is the most efficient way of achieving your goals in a healthful manner.

There is plenty of misinformation clouding your judgement of how to be healthily reach your goals. Rework completely removes any guess work and gives you confidence for the rest of your life on what to eat and when. Life is to be enjoyed! Food and drink is a big part of that joy! We take this into account and promote what we like to call “body bounce-back-ability”. If you have a setback, we’ve got you. We ensure you know what to do to get your body working as you’d like it to. The Rework process sets you up for life.

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Consultations take approximately an hour and a half and are conducted over zoom. We look at your medical history and any symptoms you may be presenting with. We then analyse each of your bodily systems such as the digestive system, hormonal system, nervous system etc. After this we provide an analysis of your current dietary intake (based on the photo diary you’ve sent in), identify deficiencies, and assess your current routine and habits. At the end of the consultation, you will have 3 things to work on before you receive your plan 7-10 days after the date of your consultation.

We analyse any biological implications that may be disrupting your performance as well as assessing your current diet and exercise regime. A programme will be created centred around your goals, preferences and practical challenges. The plan is revised and developed as your targets evolve. Every individual has a distinctive genetic make-up with unique experiences relating to food, exercise, illness and injuries. By accommodating these factors, this personalised nutrition strategy is far more likely to improve your performance in comparison to general nutrition advice.



Every week you’ll have the ability to communicate with me anything you might be finding challenging, your mood and energy levels, your sleep, how you’re progressing and any other relevant information. I will then send a recording back to you if any tweaks are needed and highlight the areas you are doing well and emphasise certain areas to focus on more than others to ensure you’re on track to achieving your goal at a rate you’re comfortable with.

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Are you looking to

Rework yourself?

Are you looking to improve you health, performance and mental health? Get in touch to see how we can help and will endeavor to provide the highest quality support.